St. Alphonsus Liguori
Why is the patronage of Mary so powerful? Because she is the Mother of God.
Saint Theophilus, bishop of Alexandria, wrote: “The Son is pleased that his mother should pray to him, because he wishes to grant her whatever she asks, in order to repay her for the favor he received from her giving him a human body.”
This was revealed to Saint Bridget, who one day heard Jesus say to Mary: “Ask from me what you wish, for your requests can never be rejected.” Jesus then added the reason for this by saying: “You refused me nothing while I lived on earth; it is just, then, that I should refuse you nothing now that you are with me in heaven.”
The devout Pelbart says that Mary invites all, both the just and the sinners. As we read in 1 Peter 5:8, “like a roaring lion your adversary the devil prowls around, looking for someone to devour.” But Mary goes out looking for someone to save. In fact, adds Richard of Saint Victor, she anticipates our supplications, and obtains aid for us before we ask for it.
Another pious writer states that Mary is more anxious to obtain graces for us than we are to receive them. That is why, he says, we will always find her hands full of mercies and graces. And according to Saint Bonaventure, Mary’s desire for our welfare and salvation is so great that she feels offended not only by those who do her positive injury, but also by those who neglect to ask favors of her.
O great Mother of God, you pray for all, pray also to your Son for me. Tell him that I am one of your clients, and that you are my protectress. Tell him that in you, after Jesus himself,
I have placed all my hopes. Tell him, too, to pardon me, for I am truly repentant of all my sins. O Mary, my Hope, in you I trust.
O great Mother of God and Mother of mercy, behold at your feet a sinner who has not once but often lost the grace of God. I come to you now asking not for earthly goods, but for the graces I need to save my soul. It is through the merits of Jesus and through your intercession that I will be saved. Do not ever cease to pray for me, especially when you see me in danger of again losing God’s grace.
Mary, have pity on me! Amen.