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Q. Are there any helpful resources that you recommend for a person who struggles with OCD and scrupulosity?

A. From time to time I discover a resource that is helpful and which I’m willing to recommend. Most times, I post the name of the resource on the Scrupulous Anonymous webpage or on the Facebook account. One such resource that I have recently discovered is a very helpful podcast that is hosted by a therapist who works exclusively with OCD patients. You can access the podcast at The topics the therapist discusses are very helpful, and he has a deep respect for the people he is trying to help.

Q.  I had a nocturnal emission and I am not sure if I fully consented to it or not. Have I committed a mortal sin because I might have enjoyed it and consented to it?

A. No. You have no control whatsoever over the natural responses of your body. Such an occurrence has nothing to do with consent. God would not create us to have natural responses and then slam us for becoming aware of them or enjoying them. Pleasure is not a sin. Feeling good is a gift from God, not something to be denied. 

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