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Q. I am beginning the process of making my last will and testament. I intend to leave some of my estate to a variety of charities. May I leave a bequest to charities that take care of animals or must I give my bequest only to charities that assist people?

A. It is your bequest, so you determine which charities and causes to support. You are not required to choose charities that serve people. You may be generous in any manner you deem appropriate.


Q. I regularly receive religious pictures, articles, and an ever-growing assortment of things in the mail. I wish to dispose of them, but I am not sure what is required? Any direction would be helpful.

A. You may dispose of them in a normal fashion. You may need to break larger items into pieces before throwing them away or recycling them. You are not being disrespectful by getting rid of them. It is perfectly acceptable to do so.

Published inSA Mailbox