My battle with anxiety is well-documented. I’ve written about it in books and mention it frequently in my talks and radio appearances. I am someone who tends to worry…a lot! If I let myself, I have the ability to dream up some wild and far-fetched scenarios that may occur in my life. My mind can conjure up an endless supply of negative outcomes that could easily allow me to worry constantly. I am someone who lived in fear for most of my life.
After years of worrying about what might go wrong, I am finally learning to trust in God’s providence—and it feels great! I want you to know that if I can successfully make the journey from fear to faith, so can you.
In order to be successful, a commitment is needed. You have to make a firm decision that you want to move from fear to faith. By agreeing to the following, you pledge to try to turn control of your life over to the Lord. In return, he will grant you his peace.
Dear Jesus, on this day I hereby pledge to try my best to trust you with my life. I am tired of living in fear and desire to have greater faith in you. Please help me to live one day at a time and to turn to you when I am afraid. Whenever I begin to worry, I will try my best to turn to you instead. Even though you have told me that worry is useless and that prayer is always effective, I am weak and often forget your words. If I fail to live out my promise and begin to live in fear, I won’t give up. Instead, I will turn to you, ask for the grace to succeed, and try again. Together, I know we can do this, and I look forward to moving from fear to faith.
Remember, you will be tempted to give up and return to your old way of life every day. There will be days when you don’t feel like praying, and occasions when it seems easier to worry than to pray. You will encounter people who will try to drag you down, either intentionally or unintentionally. Don’t be surprised if Satan himself tempts you with the idea that lasting peace is not possible. Expect these attacks, but don’t fall for them. You can experience peace in this life, but you have to keep your eye on Jesus. In Luke 9:57–62, the Lord reminds us that once we commit to following him (which will lead to peace), there should be no turning back. The reward will definitely be worth it.
From Fear to Faith: A Worrier’s Guide to Discovering Peace by Gary Zimak, © 2014
(Liguori Publications, 824920). To order, visit or call 800-325-9521.