Q. Whenever I go to the doctor, I am asked to take off my clothes for the examination. This makes me very uncomfortable. I am afraid that I am sinning, which is an even worse feeling than being naked.
A. Doctors know some people are uncomfortable with nudity. As a result, they routinely expose for examination only the part(s) of the body they need to see. This is not sexual or erotic; it is necessary for a proper examination. Regardless, nudity in front of a doctor is not a sin.
Q. What does it mean when someone states, “Conscience reigns supreme,” or words to that effect? How can this be truthful?
A. Your individual conscience, informed to the best of your ability, is how you decide and discern a choice. Your conscience is your responsibility. It is not a license to make any decision that you might feel like but is, rather, reflective of the truth of how we have been created by God. A conscientious choice is always the best choice you can make.