Q. Although I truly am thankful for what you write each month, I sometimes feel that I am not scrupulous…
A Ministry of the Redemptorists Since 1964
Q. Although I truly am thankful for what you write each month, I sometimes feel that I am not scrupulous…
Q. We left for mass at a reasonable time but arrived at the Gloria because of unexpected delays and traffic.…
Q. I have a young infant, and I nurse the baby. Is it a sin to nurse in front of…
Q. Father, you often refer to the need for “context” when you are providing help and direction. What exactly do…
Q. What do you mean when you say, “Scrupulosity always defaults to the worse possible interpretation”? I think I know…
Q. I recently “reverted” to Catholicism. I made a general confession, but I am now more and more aware of…