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January 2025 Mailbox

Q. Income tax season makes my scruples go nuts. I realize, like most people, that I make honest mistakes with my return. Is it permissible, and not sinful, to acknowledge that they are honest mistakes and then just move on, or is something more required of me?

A. That is enough. Accept that imperfection can be the result of even good effort. There is no need to do anything more. If the mistake is serious, the IRS will flag it upon review, and then you will need to make an adjustment. There is no sin involved.

Q. During confession, I remember various past sins. I know one must confess forgotten sins in a new confession, but I remember quite a bit during confession. What can/must I do?

A. Forget them. Give them the same remembrance that Jesus gives them. Nothing. You need to do nothing more, and there is no requirement to dig through your past to try and remember and then confess everything. That is your scrupulosity acting up.

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